Press Releases2023 Angel Oregon Technology Investment Announced
Oregon Entrepreneurs Network (OEN) announced the angel investee and Emerge Initiative awardee at the Angel Oregon Technology (AOTech) Grand Finale + Innovation Showcase, held June 22nd in Portland.
Remotely Studio, a company who’s cloud based platform manages the process of turning raw video and audio into theater ready final products, earned the $170,000 angel investment from the program. Co-founder and CEO Jeremy Bircher presented the company alongside finalists Jerryck Murrey from Annum, Alyssa McKee and Jana Chapman from Paloma and Omid Sadeghi from Phosio.
“Third time’s the charm. As a multi-year participant in the OEN Angel Oregon Technology program it really teaches you how to build and pitch a scalable business over time. There is a right and wrong way to go through VC funding, and this type of information not always available to entrepreneurs. AOTech has really prepared us to pitch to the wider market as a whole, and this investment will launch us through the beta and to the full production release of our product,” said Jordan Snider and Jeremy Bircher, Co-Founders of Remotely Studio.
The winner of the AOTech 2023 Emerge Initiative Award was Fridie Outdoors, founded by Lestarya Tuadi Molloy. Fridie Outdoors empowers more diversity of people to get camping by making the know-how accessible offline through their app. Molloy accepted the $5,000 non-dilutive award from The BFM Fund Principal Marquita Jaramillo which was secured through private donations.
After a partnership with TechFestNW in 2021, OEN hosted AOTech as a standalone program for the region’s technology entrepreneurs. The four-month program included entrepreneur education in addition to the angel investment competition and is one in a series of Angel Oregon events.
The AOTech angel fund is made up of investments from 15 local investors and the Oregon Growth Board. Investors in the fund conducted due diligence on the applicants and selected a winner in a private vote, the results of which were revealed at the finale that was held at Jupiter NEXT. Attendees included investors and venture capital firms, universities, government agencies, service providers, and nonprofits, representing a cross-section of the Oregon and Southwest Washington bioscience sector.
The finale also included special announcements of an investment made by ONAMI to Phosio in the amount of $50,000.
“The caliber of the technology startups in the region is very impressive,” said Cara Turano, President and Executive Director of OEN. “It is a pleasure to provide education, connections and investments to these founders who will make a significant impact on Oregon and Southwest Washington’s economy. Congratulations to all the companies who participated and thank you to the many investors involved in the process.”
Oregon Entrepreneurs Network (OEN) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to helping entrepreneurs start up and scale up. The organization hosts a mix of sector-specific Angel Oregon entrepreneur education and angel investment programs each year, including Angel Oregon Life & Bioscience (AOBIO), Oregon Tech (AOTech) and Oregon Angel Food (OregonAF), as well as the annual OEN Entrepreneurship Awards. Learn more at www.oen.org.