Inspiration & AdviceDigital Marketing Workshop Recap
It’s crucial to modernize and remain relevant in the dynamic digital business environment that we live in today. Siouxsie Jennett, anthropologist and veteran media mogul of Mambo Media, provided insight on what it takes to stay abreast in an ever evolving digital era. According to Jennett, the root of marketing comes down to human behavior and what makes us tick. From an anthropological viewpoint, it’s crucial to understand your audience, the world they live in, and their wants and needs in order to create an effective marketing strategy.
The main takeaways from the workshop:
Focus your digital marketing energy on social media, getting mobile, and targeting millennials.
Jennett used recently published studies including Mary Meeker’s recent article in Wired and Forrester’s marketing forecast– to highlight the importance of companies focusing on mobile functionality and upping their video content and graphics. There needs to be seamless movement between the online experience in stores and the in-store experience online. In order to remain competitive, employers must provide mobile access to their websites and ping consumers with the right offer in the right place at the right time.
In addition, it’s crucial that companies target millennials — the largest demographic in the U.S. today. Millennials are driving change and continually socialize while consuming and deciding what to consume. They continually collaborate and cooperate with one another and are passionate about values – including the value of companies they do business with. Interacting with millennials on social platforms and providing a product or service that is viewed as valuable is critical.
Here is a list of action items when it comes to Social Media, Mobile interface and targeting Millenials:
Social Media:
- know your audience and where they live in social media
- optimize LinkedIn
- PLAN! Have an integrated content calendar by media channel
- Blog! The single most effective traffic building effort you can make is blogging
- Listen and measure to see what works and what needs emphasis
Mobile Action Items:
- mobile optimize your website now
- think mobile 1st in all your design
- cross-check on ALL mobile interfaces
- be sure vital info like phone and address are easily accessible on Homepage
- develop your unique value proposition for Millennials
- video is the number one way to reach Millennials – it’s time to invest
- explore new channels/make sure your basic channels are effective
Have any tips in digital marketing that have worked in digital marketing for you or your company? We’d love to hear them!
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