OtherOEN’s Angel Oregon Program Expands to Provide Year-Round Opportunities for Entrepreneurs and Investors
OEN’s new Angel Oregon Year-Round program provides new educational and funding opportunities for both angel investors and entrepreneurs in the Fall, while maintaining its annual Spring Conference and Investment Award.
Portland, Ore., July 10, 2013 – Today we are excited to announce the expansion of OEN’s Angel Oregon into a new year-round program beginning this fall.
OEN’s Angel Oregon is a brand that has been a catalyst for angel investing in Oregon for many years, spawning five other angel investment conferences around the state over the past few years. But, as a once-a-year program, we have been limited in our ability to help more companies and get new angels involved in the process. This is where OEN’s Angel Oregon Year-Round Program comes in.
“OEN has always been the heart of the entrepreneurial community and this new evolution of OEN’s Angel Oregon will allow that entrepreneurial heart to beat a little faster, accelerate the speed at which we can support and fund entrepreneurs and help the entire community, from startups to investors, to move upstream,” said Shelley Gunton, Chair for the new OEN Angel Oregon Year-Round program.
OEN’s Angel Oregon Year-Round includes:
- Investor education leveraging knowledge and best practices from some of the community’s most experienced angel investors, including the Oregon Angel Fund (OAF).
- Entrepreneur education to help founders and their teams understand the due diligence process, pitching to investors, and funding strategies.
- Connection building between startups and investors to expand the capital network in Oregon.
OEN’s Angel Oregon Year-Round: How the Program Works
The new OEN Angel Oregon sessions (starting Fall 2013) begin with education for both investors and entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs apply, and investors review submissions online. Investors will then select which entrepreneurs pitch to the group and proceed into due diligence. The diligence process will be conducted by teams combining new and more seasoned investors over the course of three investor meetings.
The field of companies will be narrowed down through a series of investor votes, and the session will culminate with an Award winner selected in mid-November 2013.
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About Oregon Entrepreneurs Network
Founded in 1991, the Oregon Entrepreneurs Network is a not-for-profit corporation dedicated to providing opportunities for Oregon entrepreneurs and improving the business climate for emerging, growth-oriented companies statewide. The organization has members throughout Oregon and southwest Washington. For more information about the OEN, visit oen.org.
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