OtherStartup Founders, We’ve Built a Tool Just for You–Because We Love You
Contributed by Huston Hedinger, Founder & CEO, of Wikisway
Wikisway recently graduated from Portland Seed Fund’s third class of startups and is now introducing the beta version of its product, which helps users visualize web search results. Wikisway is looking for beta users, particularly startup founders and investors, to try out the tool.
Wikisway has a big vision, and over the next year we are going to do some amazing things around data visualization, analytics, and search all to make information on the web easier to digest. In the meantime, we’ve started with a small chunk, and we’ve created a really awesome tool for founders (or investors) doing research on investors, or other startups, founders, and their companies.
On Wikisway, you can search any startup, investor, or founder, and see how they are connected all on a single page. For example, if you want to search for a cool Portland Startup like Urban Airship or Simple, your results are a visual graph of the investors that invested in them, the founders, and all of their connections:
The graph is interactive; double-click to open a node and all of its connections, and search within the graph from the smaller search bar at the top left of the graph (see below).
By seeing multiple entities on one page, and all of their connections, you can save yourself a ton of time, click throughs, and searches, because we have structured the data and organized it for you. (by the way, we think it is pretty too!)
You can answer questions a lot quicker like, “What are all of the investments that IA Ventures and Google Ventures have done together?” Below, I quickly see that they coinvested on Recorded Future and ThinkNear.
…Or,”Who from SimpleGeo now works at Urban Airship?”
Or even, “Which of Urban Airship’s investors also invested in SimpleGeo?”
We are looking forward to your feedback. More than anything, we hope that we are saving you time in your endeavor to understand the startup ecosystem!
BTW, if you want to talk data visualization, network theory, or just plain startuppy stuff, email us: founders@wikisway.com